Modest As Cake

Friday, October 31, 2008

What Fresh Hell Is This?

Highly recommend Josh Reads. Deconstructing comics is an excellent way to spend time and understand the world around you. Taking on Mark Trail and Funky Winkerbean is just... above and beyond. I can't thank Josh enough.

But today, Halloween, the question is "Is it dark enough yet?" brought to us by that Hallowed Institution, the Family Circus. What an interesting question for the children to be asking. One seems to be, ok, maybe a bat like Batman; one seems to be, hmm, maybe Spider-Man, or Iron Man; and one is clearly... uh, clearly... a girl wearing a business suit, bouffanty hair, and sexy librarian glasses. Yes, Sarah Palin, I guess the answer is, "Yes, it is dark enough."

How completely vile.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

We can talk about this after you're president, but...

Uhmm... why can I read Larry's Wal-Mart ID when he's looking in a mirror?

Otherwise, super infomercial, no complaints, please win, Gobama.

Vote. Because who else will balance out the crazies?

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Thank you, Anchorage Daily News!

Obama for president

Palin's rise captivates us but nation needs a steady hand

Alaska enters its 50th-anniversary year in the glow of an improbable and highly memorable event: the nomination of Gov. Sarah Palin as the Republican vice presidential candidate. For the first time ever, an Alaskan is making a serious bid for national office, and in doing so she brings broad attention and recognition not only to herself, but also to the state she leads.

Alaska's founders were optimistic people, but even the most farsighted might have been stretched to imagine this scenario. No matter the outcome in November, this election will mark a signal moment in the history of the 49th state. Many Alaskans are proud to see their governor, and their state, so prominent on the national stage.

Gov. Palin's nomination clearly alters the landscape for Alaskans as we survey this race for the presidency -- but it does not overwhelm all other judgment. The election, after all is said and done, is not about Sarah Palin, and our sober view is that her running mate, Sen. John McCain, is the wrong choice for president at this critical time for our nation.

Sen. Barack Obama, the Democratic nominee, brings far more promise to the office. In a time of grave economic crisis, he displays thoughtful analysis, enlists wise counsel and operates with a cool, steady hand. The same cannot be said of Sen. McCain.

Since his early acknowledgement that economic policy is not his strong suit, Sen. McCain has stumbled and fumbled badly in dealing with the accelerating crisis as it emerged. He declared that "the fundamentals of our economy are strong" at 9 a.m. one day and by 11 a.m. was describing an economy in crisis. He is both a longtime advocate of less market regulation and a supporter of the huge taxpayer-funded Wall Street bailout. His behavior in this crisis -- erratic is a kind description -- shows him to be ill-equipped to lead the essential effort of reining in a runaway financial system and setting an anxious nation on course to economic recovery.

Sen. Obama warned regulators and the nation 19 months ago that the subprime lending crisis was a disaster in the making. Sen. McCain backed tighter rules for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, but didn't do much to advance that legislation. Of the two candidates, Sen. Obama better understands the mortgage meltdown's root causes and has the judgment and intelligence to shape a solution, as well as the leadership to rally the country behind it. It is easy to look at Sen. Obama and see a return to the smart, bipartisan economic policies of the last Democratic administration in Washington, which left the country with the momentum of growth and a budget surplus that President George Bush has squandered.

On the most important issue of the day, Sen. Obama is a clear choice.

Sen. McCain describes himself as a maverick, by which he seems to mean that he spent 25 years trying unsuccessfully to persuade his own party to follow his bipartisan, centrist lead. Sadly, maverick John McCain didn't show up for the campaign. Instead we have candidate McCain, who embraces the extreme Republican orthodoxy he once resisted and cynically asks Americans to buy for another four years.

It is Sen. Obama who truly promises fundamental change in Washington. You need look no further than the guilt-by-association lies and sound-bite distortions of the degenerating McCain campaign to see how readily he embraces the divisive, fear-mongering tactics of Karl Rove. And while Sen. McCain points to the fragile success of the troop surge in stabilizing conditions in Iraq, it is also plain that he was fundamentally wrong about the more crucial early decisions. Contrary to his assurances, we were not greeted as liberators; it was not a short, easy war; and Americans -- not Iraqi oil -- have had to pay for it. It was Sen. Obama who more clearly saw the danger ahead.

The unqualified endorsement of Sen. Obama by a seasoned, respected soldier and diplomat like Gen. Colin Powell, a Republican icon, should reassure all Americans that the Democratic candidate will pass muster as commander in chief.

On a matter of parochial interest, Sen. Obama opposes the opening of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, but so does Sen. McCain. We think both are wrong, and hope a President Obama can be convinced to support environmentally responsible development of that resource.

Gov. Palin has shown the country why she has been so successful in her young political career. Passionate, charismatic and indefatigable, she draws huge crowds and sows excitement in her wake. She has made it clear she's a force to be reckoned with, and you can be sure politicians and political professionals across the country have taken note. Her future, in Alaska and on the national stage, seems certain to be played out in the limelight.

Yet despite her formidable gifts, few who have worked closely with the governor would argue she is truly ready to assume command of the most important, powerful nation on earth. To step in and juggle the demands of an economic meltdown, two deadly wars and a deteriorating climate crisis would stretch the governor beyond her range. Like picking Sen. McCain for president, putting her one 72-year-old heartbeat from the leadership of the free world is just too risky at this time.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

OK, I agree with Sarah Palin about this one thing

Yes, VOTE!

FYI, the donkey (D) is for Democrat.

Thank you,

Thursday, October 16, 2008

We can see you, you know

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Dear Florida, Virginia, Washington, New Hampshire and Missouri

Thank you so much for going blue, or bluer. I really appreciate it.

Look what a great example you're being for, say, Montana! (They went from red to pink).

I'm not sure what's up with Ohio -- maybe you could take it aside and speak with it privately.


Formerly Fringe America

McCain's latest press release

She's ready for her close-up, Mr. McCain

Is it my imagination, or is Sarah Palin just lining up her own coronation?

Camera-ready? Check.
Relic from a by-gone era? Check.
Ummm... body floating in the pool yet?

"I AM big... It's the Republicans that got small..."

Thursday, October 02, 2008

I've been wondering how Jeb Bush has been keeping busy...

So in August, Jeb was hired by Lehman Brothers.

In September, Lehman Brothers dropped dead.


Dear Ohio, Florida and Nevada: Re light pink to light blue! Thank you very much. Sincerely, Formerly Fringe America

Just four days ago, the three of you were leaning slightly right, and are now leaning slightly left. Please don't listen to any rumors from now til election day. The economy really is in the toilet, John McCain really might die in office, and Democrats really want everyone to not go bankrupt from catastrophic medical bills. Seriously. I would not kid you about this stuff. Come to the dark blue side. Don't be like Arizona, or Kansas, or Wyoming. Even Texas went from red to pink this week.

Adios, House Peters

Sharkman to Mr. Clean. Nice.