A Little Ditty 'Bout Otter, Diane... and Morning Glory

At the end of 1988, the contract with the circus expired,
and Otter, Diane and Morning Glory began planning new
Unicorn ventures. They have produced the world's first
miniature Unicorn, Oberon, and are once again scheduling
appearances. They hope to find a market for miniature
Unicorns as exotic pets and show animals. They are also
planning other cryptozoological projects, including
breeding the legendary Phoenix.
Otter has been trained in Transpersonal Psychology,
Scientology, Ceremonial Magick, Shamanic Witchcraft and
Silva Mind Control. As a Priest of the Mother, he served the
St. Louis Nest of CAW for seven years, administering the
sacraments, training others, conducting encounter groups
and promoting Pagan ecumenicism. And as a Wizard, Otter
has delved deep into the Mysteries of arcane lore and the
transformation of Reality. His primary mission is to be "a
catalyst for the coalescence of consciousness."
Born on Nov. 30, 1942, Otter is a Sagittarius, with Moon
in Virgo and Aquarius rising. His mailing address is: POB
982, Ukiah, CA 95482.
There's more to read, like his search for mermaids, his brief stint as a "counselor in a school for problem children," and of course, his next-door neighbor the mass murderer.
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